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An image of a funnel illustrating the AIDA Model in marketing.

The AIDA Model in Marketing

Whether a customer is buying online or offline, businesses can truly understand their journey by applying the AIDA model. Over the course of the last three centuries, traditional AIDA model marketing has been modified. It can be used to comprehend and direct the development of future digital marketing strategies.

The technique we employ to gradually nurture potential consumers through each touchpoint of their customer journey—also referred to as the conversion funnel—is called AIDA model marketing.

What Is the Meaning of AIDA?

The abbreviation for the AIDA framework is Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action; we have gone into more detail about each of these areas below. The framework maintains that prospects first become aware of a brand and its offering, then develop an interest in it, start to desire it, and finally complete an action (whether this is purchasing a product, signing up for a service, or simply downloading a marketing brochure). Each part of the acronym corresponds to a distinct stage of the conversion funnel.

It’s important to keep in mind that the goals of each conversion funnel will probably vary based on whether it’s B2B or B2C and what sector it serves. The funnel can be modified to fit any type of business model, and the model’s basic idea stays the same.

Who developed the AIDA framework?

Elias St. Elmo Lewis, an American advertising advocate, developed the AIDA concept in 1898. Since then, the marketing industry has adopted his thesis about the several communication strategies that may be employed to move customers down the conversion funnel and closer to the point of purchase.

A set of marketing icons each representing a different stage of the AIDA Model.

Awareness: Raising brand recognition and attracting prospective clients.

Interest: After attracting attention, maintain that interest in your offering by arousing the senses (by providing specifics about the goods, for instance).

Desire: At this step, you try to convince the buyer of the benefits of buying your product or service after piqueing their interest. This can be accomplished by addressing the emotions of your target customer by summarising the advantages of the product.

Action: You want the buyer to convert as soon as the desire has been aroused. This can be accomplished by designing a distraction-free, seamless online shopping cart process.

The framework aids in the identification of the several cognitive phases that a person experiences when making a purchase of a good or service. This conventional marketing model has been used to offline tactics including flyers, billboards, print ads, and coupons, as was previously indicated.

But we can use this conversion theory to inform our digital marketing efforts because of its versatility. It can be used to increase traffic and assist in differentiating between present and potential consumers.

How Digital Marketing Uses AIDA

The AIDA marketing model can be used to communicate with your target audience at various stages of their customer journey and online interactions, whether you’re doing paid media marketing, digital PR, or search engine optimisation.

When producing content for the entire website, we like to use the conversion funnel as a tool for SEO tactics. Users are more likely unsure of the exact product or service they are looking for when they are at the awareness and informative stages of the funnel. All they are doing is perusing and acquiring additional data prior to making a well-informed purchase.

But how can we use material to take action on this? These prospective clients are posing a lot of queries to search engines in the early phases. You can direct these clients through the AIDA marketing model by analysing and producing content related to their particular longer-tail product or service searches; if not, you can raise brand recognition for potential future purchases. With the widespread use of voice search and smart speakers, we have witnessed an increase in question-based searches.

For instance, if you’re trying to sell a car dealership to young people wanting to buy their first vehicle, you want to show up in search engine results pages (SERPs) for queries that ask questions like “What is the safest car for a first-time driver?” or “Which automobiles are ideal for novice drivers?These kinds of questions are related to the framework’s awareness/informational component.

In this phase, longer-form content found in the resource “hub” of a website is organised into themes and is probably going to enhance the user experience when they first start their customer journey. Think With Google’s content hub, which offers a variety of materials neatly divided into distinct topics to make it simpler for visitors to access relevant content, is a great example. Search engine bots can crawl and index your information much more quickly if your website has deep internal linkages.

Customers are more valuable as they proceed down the funnel since they are less likely to bounce and are more likely to think about making a purchase. Right now, you want to use your content to persuade the customer to make a purchase. Product landing pages gain from the site’s category pages’ fine-grained targeting during the decision and conversion phases of the AIDA marketing model. Therefore, product pages that target high-intent queries should be created when users are prepared to convert. At this point, give important information and keep conversion barriers to a minimum.

Adding on-site data to attract users and set yourself apart from competitors can improve the bottom of the funnel experience even more from an organic standpoint. Examples of this on-site include incorporating a reliable review aggregator, compiling case studies, client endorsements, and a FAQ area for any additional queries to aid in the decision to buy.

Using Paid Media with AIDA Marketing

In order to target and convert prospects more successfully when engaging in paid marketing activities like search advertisements, sponsored social media posts, or Google shopping, a wealth of audience-related data is already available from paid search. By carefully utilising these audience data sets, bids can be adjusted to reflect the user’s present position in the buying process. This can be divided into two subcategories, incoming and outbound, which naturally fit into two different client groups.

External Approach

In order to assist the user in learning more about the company and its offerings, you should develop brand awareness campaigns when users are at the top of the AIDA marketing model. It is advised to make use of display advertising, paid social media, targeted videos, and remarketing in order to optimise on top of the funnel customer activity when it comes to paid search.

The advertisements currently aim to attract a wider audience through their visual appeal rather than being overtly brand-heavy. You should run advertisements that will engage your target audience and increase website traffic when people are halfway through the funnel, around the informational or wanted stage. Retargeting advertisements for goods or services that a user has previously browsed may be one of these.

You should concentrate on your USPs and the conversion component of your paid advertisements when you’re targeting individuals who are at the bottom of the funnel and prepared to convert. Focus on audience demographics and make use of Google Shopping, remarketing lists for search ads (RLSAs), and search engine advertising (SEO) during the AIDA framework’s action stage.

You want to send users who click on your adverts to the most relevant page at this critical point. For an e-commerce website, the precise product page where the consumer can convert quickly with a discount coupon, and for a lead-generating website, the contact or quote form.

It’s critical to seize the user’s action at the absolute bottom of the conversion funnel and persuade them to convert. To sway the choice to convert, you may, for instance, provide a price deal on Google Search or a highly focused paid advertisement.

Social Media and AIDA

Through the numerous social media platforms, a large audience may be reached, resulting in a wealth of data that can be used for more precise targeting.

Prospecting users using passionate language and a video to pique their attention and create excitement can help raise awareness. After that, action can be prompted from already-engaged consumers by requesting a sign-up, contact, or donation; lastly, retargeting can be employed to foster brand loyalty. In the end, the conversion funnel can support the development of a comprehensive and very successful social media strategy.

Charlie Byrne, a PPC specialist, describes the conversion funnel procedure in connection with social media marketing in a different piece.

Top Tip: Depending on the audience demographics, any brand that genuinely wishes to raise visibility and boost conversions should ideally combine inbound and outbound sponsored services.
AIDA Marketing’s Application to Digital PR

The AIDA marketing approach is frequently employed in conventional public relations initiatives to facilitate the entire customer journey. But measuring this is even more challenging. We may now modify this model once again to precisely assess the success of campaigns, their influence on SEO objectives, and the money made through many channels thanks to the advancements in digital PR.

Digital public relations efforts typically centre on top-of-the-funnel activities that are closely associated with the phases of “awareness” and “interest.” It’s important to remember that digital PR cannot be connected to the entire funnel because it primarily occurs off-site. With the aid of other channels, digital PR can help to increase brand recognition and encourage users to move down the funnel. Effective link-building techniques should provide links for search engine optimisation as well as valuable referral traffic that moves down the funnel.

For the purpose of developing a digital PR strategy that can increase ROI, it is critical to have a thorough understanding of the brand’s end-user. This will also help with the delivery of online ads that focus on the obstacles and motivations of end users. In order to connect with the AIDA funnel, link building campaigns should highlight aspects such as seasonal roundups, product reviews, and features that pique consumers’ interest in the company under discussion. Watch Laura Hampton’s webinar here to learn more about concrete suggestions and guidance for your digital PR campaign.

AIDA Multi-Channel Marketing Strategies

The AIDA marketing model can help you maximise the return on investment from your digital marketing initiatives by being applied not only to certain marketing disciplines but also across a variety of channels. Additionally, it guarantees that consumers are developed at each and every point of contact with your company, which eventually aids in conversion. Each AIDA area is described below, along with how digital marketing initiatives can improve brand awareness and contribute to overall goals.


The primary goals of top-of-the-funnel digital marketing initiatives are to expand audience size and increase brand exposure. As a result, we’re not only observing users; we’re also observing particular micro-moments in which clients are certain of their needs and when they want them.

It is advised to concentrate on a variety of digital marketing disciplines while using the AIDA marketing model’s awareness stage. By gaining mentions and backlinks from reputable, industry-relevant media that your target audience reads, a solid digital PR campaign will support your SEO efforts and raise brand awareness. Businesses may connect with consumers who are just beginning their user journey at the top of the funnel by using paid social media marketing. You may reach a specific audience by using the wide range of targeting tools available on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


You can produce material at the Interest stage that virtually addresses every query or issue a customer might have. Without a doubt, the best way to find out more information about everything and everything is to use search engines. We advise conducting in-depth organic keyword research at this point to find SEO targeting opportunities.

Featured Snippets and People Also Ask boxes are two examples of longer-tailed and informative keyword opportunities to consider, as the SERPs are always changing to improve the overall user experience. This will eventually reach your target audience’s inquiry during the informational stage of their user journey, assist you build your overall brand awareness, and win search engine real estate against your competitors.

Want to

You can concentrate on developing a superior content marketing plan that speaks to your target market during the Desire stage. To entice readers to proceed to the next stage of the funnel and become a convert, your content should highlight the advantages of the good or service.

Finding out what your audience is looking for information about your product or service can be aided by conducting new keyword research using data from both organic and sponsored search queries. Based on the findings, relevant material can be produced and organised into separate content hubs around connected subjects. This hub can assist your clients gain confidence and get closer to completing a purchase in addition to making it simple for them to access the content.

Take Action

The framework’s last phase involves drawing in and motivating the target market to decide to buy, thereby converting them into a client for your company. Execute digital marketing initiatives that reach the audience most likely to convert, such as highly focused paid search and shopping campaigns. This can entail enticing customers to buy now with an alluring price deal on your merchandise.


As we’ve seen in recent years, the classic AIDA model has an extension in that you need to support your new customer through the whole buying process. This is going above and above to make sure the client is happy with the brand connection and supporting advocacy to expand your target market. The model’s other modifications and adaptations are listed below.

Are you trying to organise your marketing communications plan using the AIDA model? You can use the AIDA model template we’ve supplied below as a framework to identify the best customer touch points for every stage of the conversion funnel.

Different Models of the Hierarchy of Needs

As we previously discussed, over the course of the last three centuries, AIDA marketing has undergone modifications that have led to minor adjustments to the conventional model. There are several instances that are being utilised to inform digital strategy; we have included just four here.

Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, and Satisfaction are known as AIDAS.
Attention, Interest, Desire, Conviction, Action is known as AIDCA.
Attention, Interest, Desire, Proof, and Action is known as AIDEA.
Reach, Activate, Educate, and Nurture (REAN)

In essence, the models continue to centre around Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action; however, recent advancements have tended to emphasise customer retention or developing trust as a means of cultivating brand loyalty.

Over the past ten years, there have been significant changes to the media landscape, both online and offline, therefore it’s critical to adjust and react quickly to shifts in the behaviour of your target audience. If you don’t lead your audience and stay at the forefront of their solution search, it’s likely that they will eventually become less interested in you and will shift to competitors who are using more strategic tactics.

According to a fascinating 2013 study by Peter Field, for optimal efficiency and efficacy in shifting marketing channels, “brands should spend around 60% of their budget on brand-building activities and 40% on activation.” We advise using a variety of marketing channels across all digital platforms to draw customers in throughout the entire purchasing process and to exchange traffic in order to increase the number of leads that enter the AIDA marketing model’s action stage.

As a collaborative integrated digital marketing agency, we strive to make our digital activities more effective. Get in contact with our team to learn more about how we can design an integrated marketing plan that includes paid media, CRO, SEO, and digital PR.

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Jack Bennett
Jack Bennett

Jack Bennet, the dynamic Business Development Manager at Better Ranking, embodies the very principles that the company stands for. With over a decade of experience in the field of digital sales and project management, Jack has been instrumental in shaping the trajectory of Better Ranking, ensuring its dominance in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

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